Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An original letter from Samuel Meeker; Philadelphia, December 27,1804


courtesy Hargrett Library Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Georgia
more details to follow
click on the letter for a lusciously larger view of an historic document


  1. Love the way they folded letters into themselves, but I can't tell what it says.

  2. I know its hard to read the letter, so I will transcribe it in my next post, first sentence....

    "Enclosed I send you a list of the article of slaves...." just didn't want to make this toooooo easy! ☺

    I will describe who the letter was sent to, etc~

  3. I saw something about slaves, but I couldn't read enough to see what it said. I'm reading a book about the history of NYC. Just read a chapter about slaves here and in New Jersey, where they held on to slavery until 1846. Didn't know that.

  4. Makes one sad to see people mentioned in the same letter as "cotton containers" if I'm reading that correctly ... those times were harsh, weren't they, when we read them with our sensibilities now. Although I wonder if we have learned ...? I'm looking forward to more from you, Beth-chen!

    * word verification is repub!
