From Medicine Man to Medical Doctor
The Medical History of Early Santa Clara Valley
Elizabeth Ahrens-Kley
Gerald Trobough
Michael Shea
Santa Clara County of course is home of the famed Silicon Valley here in California.
You can find more information on my gt gt grandfather Benjamin Cory MD in this blog, and in my essay online which won first place in the essay contest sponsored by the "California Pioneers of Santa Clara County"
June 2011
Just a reminder, it was the Doctor's son, my gt grandfather Lewis Lincoln Cory born in San Jose California 1861, who married a girl from Rahway NJ. Carrie [Marin] Cory, {click on link to the left to see the image of my gt grandmother Carrie, gt grandaughter of Phoebe Meeeker who received the GS portrait from her twin brother Samuel; the genetics in the facial similarity between Carrie and the portrait are amazing; a demonstration of the skill of GS} brought the GS portrait of Samuel Meeker to California from NJ due to this marriage and the fact that she had two sons and 3 daughters and her two Martin sisters had no children. Due to this unusual "travelling" from the east to west coast, the portrait was lost to those who were attempting to locate and document all GS portraits.
What a twist of fate, that Samuel Meeker is now with me, his fine and fascinating history fully explored.
To see Carrie Cory's position in the line of provenance, click here.
To see Carrie Cory's position in the line of provenance, click here.