Hello - I was wondering if you could help me out here. I just purchased this oil painting of George Washington and the seller did not know who the artist was. In fact, neither did I until I looked closely at the signature. From my research Gilbert Stuart did not sign his artwork which leads me to believe this is not authentic. However, from what I can tell I do know the painting is a true oil painting and not a print and it is very old. The owner said he got it from an estate sale and estimated it from 1870-1890. The canvas on the back is very old and brown from age.
My questions are: could this be a Gilbert Stuart? I highly doubt, but if it's not what's more interesting is why would someone sign his name to pass it off? the painting is of very good quality so I assume the original artist was someone who was very talented too. I just find it very interesting how many hands this could have passed through with either knowing it was unauthentic or who's put the signature there etc. Were his paintings counterfeit a lot in the late 1800's? Sorry I am rambling, just curious to understand this painting more...
Hello Tony~Thanks for your message, when I
have a bit more time I will more closely inspect (try to enlarge) your
But a few points here:
My portrait of Meeker was painted in 1803
when Stuart was in his 40s. He was born in 1755, so Stuart's working
years were much previous to the dates of 1870-1890 which were suggested by the
previous owner of your painting (which shows that he knew nothing about
Stuart painted 75 head and shoulder
replicas of his Athenaeum portrait of Washington (the famous portraits have
names), download this portrait and compare it to your image....if there are
differences this would be the major clue/evidence that the work is not by
Stuart. Stuart was absolutely meticulous about nailing the image of the
Go to the portrait of George Thomas John
Nugent and look at this portrait closely, for this is one of the portraits that
Stuart signed. If he did sign a portrait, it was often in a whimsical way
so his signature on this portrait was on the dog's collar. Here you can see an
authentic signature, with the G formed in a different way, your signature has
no semblance to the authentic one...most likely your portrait artist's own
whimsical idea!
But thanks for sending the graphics~
Again I am not an expert ie decorated with doctorate title~however I
think your doubts were in the right direction. As for counterfeiting, one
can be sure, esp in the 1800s when memories of Stuart's fame were even more
pronounced and the style more coveted, that this was prevalent.
Gilbert Stuart's portrait of George Thomas John Nugent 1789-90
signed on the dog's collar G. Stuart
UCLA Hammer Museum, LA:
The Armand Hammer Collection, Gift of the Armand Hammer Foundation
detail collar on the cutie dog